The scientific committee has now reviewed all the abstracts, and sent notification to all submitters. The comments of the reviewers on the abstract (if any) can be found at the notification emails. Acceptance of the revised abstract will be possible by email until July 10th 2024 (at 23h59 CET).
Please note there is a limit of 2 abstracts per one presenter. Your abstract will not be edited, so the authors are responsible for any spelling, grammatical and typographical errors. As you are informed upon submitting the abstract, the submitter is considered the presenting author unless otherwise indicated. Only the abstracts with registered presenters will be included at abstract book.
Recommendations to prepare poster presentation
- All posters should be format (70cm ×110 cm) and orientation: vertical.
- Please use the poster template provided here (poster template).
- Please be informed that the presenting author must be registered for the Congress, and should be present during the poster presentation session and be open to discussion with conference participants.
Recommendations to prepare oral presentation
- Presentation slides should be prepared in PowerPoint.
- Please use the presentation template provided here (oral presentation).
- The template includes three slides: the first slide should contain the main information about the presentation (title, authors, and the affiliation). The second format is for the content of the presentation.
- You will be kindly asked to send your presentation in PowerPoint no later than 28 August, 2024 and will be informed of the exact email address to which the presentation would be sent.
- Please be informed that private computers will not be allowed during the presentations.
You will be informed of the exact day, time and room of the session in which your poster/oral presentation is included once the full Congress program will be finalized, towards the end of July. Please refer to the Congress website for further details.